Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Recipe Swap

Recipe Book: There was a recipe collection going on a while ago and I don’t know where it went. But a couple of ladies have commented about it so we’re going to start it up again. If you have a recipe you’d like to share please bring it in at any event.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 14th

We had a really great time this past Thursday for our craft event. Wanda, Rose, Luci, Chris, Kay, Ann, Phyllis and me.. :) We worked on corsages, hats for the runway for the Fashion Show in November and some Xmas ornaments which will go on the tree for Meals on Wheels charity at the show as well. Then out for pizza afterwards.. with Ed, Roses husband. It was a really fun time.

Saturday is our montly event at Inlet Harbor Ponce Inlet for lunch at 12noon. We have an option of eating inside or outside on the deck. It might be a bit warm outside, but there's music starting at 1, and it is outside. Any thoughts? We also have 4 new ladies that will be joining us. Shirley, Vickie, and 2 others. So far going to this luncheon is Kay, Rose, Wanda, Lucie, me ;), Ann c., hopefully Phyllis (I'll call you!) , If I left you out please contact me so I can add you to this list and make reservations.

Next month we'll be working on more Xmas ornaments, corsages (if they aren't all done) and maybe other projects. If you have any suggestions for a craft, if it's something just for the ladies or the Fashion show please share.

Next month, August, English Tea in Palm Coast is scheduled.

October is planned a halloween party. We might want to do some costume, mask decorating on craft day for that as well.

We've also talked about our Xmas party which will be at Rose's condo upstairs in their really cool party room. If you want to bring a husband, boyfriend or friend with you to the party please do. It's a large room and we're ready for some fun. It will be on Dec. 8th Saturday. Cost to use the room, I believe, is around $50. We'll take that out of our Fashion Show leftovers. I don't know if we'll want to make decorations for it, but if you're into it or have suggestions we can do anything on craft day to get ready.

See you soon!

Purple Hugs!

Queen Thea

Daytona Beach Red Hatters
